Wednesday 5 August 2009

The Mission

If you've been reading this you might remember that I had a plan. Well everything has pretty much gone to that plan.. kinda.

I found an apartment. It's a 6 bedroom 6th floor apartment on Xinzha Lu. That doesn't mean much to anyone who isn't Shanghainese (or an expat) but in layman's terms it means that I live in a pretty sweet location near to the main shopping district, close to pretty much all the nightlife too. So that's good. I'm living with a French guy, 2 American girls, a German girl and a Belgian guy at the moment, although I found out that the personnel change quite a lot around here so once the Belgian guy leaves a Swiss dude is coming back from holidays. The German girl is only staying for another month or so I think, but she's on holiday at the moment. An awesome Korean lad is staying at the moment (visiting the French guy) but he leaves tomorrow. Everyone works, I don't. Therefore I feel pretty guilty for sitting around watching House all day... well I would feel bad if it wasn't such damn good television.

The job front is looking pretty unimpressive thus far. Sent out a ton of CVs the other day so I'm waiting for the inevitable rejections. However one thing I have done is train with the Shanghai Shooters, a local expat football team.

Now I'm not good at football. I'm unfit, my passing is pretty poor, my shooting is worse. I'm pretty decent at tackling and heading (I think) but my miniscule height doesn't help with the latter. But I just want to play some bloody football, I missed playing regularly in Sweden and I was looking forward to playing on grass again. Training was absolutely knackering. There wasn't a patch of my Arsenal shirt (come on you lads!) that wasn't drenched in sweat. We had to run around a track for 12 minutes (I only reached a measly 6 laps... 8 was the 'good' amount), we did a ton of these drills too.. but the 12 minute run destroyed me enough so that my lungs were on fire. I used to have Asthma as a kid, I lost it as a teenager. After watching so much medical drama on TV I've got a feeling that the symptom of Asthma stopped when the cause of exercise stopped. I don't think it's gone away, it's still there and it means my lungs feel like the size of 2 apples rattling around struggling to do their jobs.

Tomorrow I gotta go get some drugs for it.

What tonight's training session showed was that all my previous goals in life are definitely not comparatively emasculating if I fail. I can live with being unemployed, bad at Chinese, weightlifting at a level lower than I did 18 months ago and being horrendously unsuccessful in the romance department... but I am seriously depressed with my cardiovascular capacity after tonight's session. I know I'm not great at football, but if I want to break into a team I can't have my fitness making it worse. Plus when you're with 13 other dudes who, while obviously knackered, can still finish all the drills and then play 30 minutes of football... well it's not a good feeling.

SO I have a mission! This isn't a plan, this is a militaristic operation which cannot fail.

Objective 1
I have to be able to run at least 8 laps of the track in 12 minutes

Objective 2
Not only do I have to take part in every drill (there are about 10 or so). I have to be able to do them all to a good level, as in no half-arsed attempts like today.

Objective 3
I have to get better at football. OK, that's a hard one but I can play 2 times a week. I think I'm going to choose to be a right back because:

a) There isn't as much running involved
b) I get to tackle
c) I can see myself being a decent defender (I like the whole tactical side)

Bar objective 3 (which I can't really test), I want to reach my objectives within 3 weeks. This is when the first matches start to be played. Apparently there are 30 people in the team, and that needs to be cut down to 20. Based on todays performance, I'm first for the cut. Although it's incredibly 'high school American sports movie', I don't think getting into the team is a realistic goal.. seeing as I suck at football. Just the fitness goals at the moment!

The first is that I gotta start cooking at home. It's cheaper to eat out but you can't regulate your diet and diet is half of getting fit. Also I'm gonna stop drinking. After tomorrow night (the Korean dude's last night) that's it. Teetotal. Back like when I was sober before turning 19. The booze screws up any sort of gym regime, makes me fat and it's expensive. With the money I save I can get better food that I can cook at home. Maybe I'll still go out and have soft drinks, but everyone knows that sucks.

I'm rubbish without incentives. Usually I can go with the non-material kind but this time I've got a nice little coincidence that can work to my favour. Today I went to the Nike store to get some football socks and shin-pads. Today I saw that you can use NikeID to make custom football boots. Today I discovered that I want some custom football boots. Today I designed some boots:

Get a total customization experience at You can customize colors and materials for a totally unique take on kicks, T-shirts and more. Start customizing now at
Check out the
Nike Mercurial Talaria V iD Boot
I designed at

I kinda had the colour scheme I use here in mind (well the Orange, White and Sky Blue). I can stick a little Tiger image on the heel and I'm gonna stick either my surname or my initials on one side, and my team number (if I get into the team), 09 (to commemorate this year) or my birth year on the other. How do they look? I think they're pretty cool

In 3 weeks I will buy these boots if I reach my goals. If I don't, then I won't. In the end, how am I gonna use them if I'm not fit enough to play football? So it works quite well.

And so ends my blog drought. I'd like to say I will have more regular posts but I've just had writers block for 8 days so I'm not making any promises.

One thing I will promise though... see you in 3 weeks (hopefully with warmer feet).

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