Monday 13 July 2009

Today you will feel great sadness...

Well I thought it would be super awesome to start this post with what some astrologist predicted and have it relevant to what I feel tonight... but astrology is bullshit and it didn't work. So while I do feel a bit down, the title of this post isn't related to what some crackpot sensed when they looked at the sky last night.

But it is relevant! The title of my blog is TigerFishGoat and I thought I should explain it for anyone who doesn't get what I'm going with...

I was born on the 8th January 1987, which makes me born in the Chinese Year of the Tiger. My astrological star sign is Capricorn (a fishy goat). So that explains the Tiger,the Fish and the Goat. Why it's the name of a blog about my exploits in the East? Well I combined the Chinese (Tiger) with the Western (FishGoat) to create a half Tiger, half Fish, half Goat (or should I say half Tiger, half FishGoat?).

In summary it attempts to explain my ultimate goal for these 18 months; to be a whiteboy who can speak Chinese and understand how shit gets done over there. A TigerFishGoat...




...Or I just thought making a blog called "Sam's Shanghai Blog" would be hella dull.


So I was talking to a matey of mine who shared their opinion that my first post was utterly pointless. Of course she is completely wrong but the conversation did highlight another thing I've gotsta talk about before I leave.

I'm gonna miss a lot of people.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm not exactly a bubbly, outgoing, bundle of joy who makes a ton of friends all over the place. But I have kinda realized that I do care about a lot of dudes (and dudettes) and I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay all cold hearted and anti-social this time. It's pretty depressing knowing that it's unlikely that I'm going to see anyone I've met in the past 22 years over the next year and a half. And of course, when you don't see someone for that long a time it's pretty difficult to keep relations intact. Out of sight, out of mind...

But I'm gonna try. Through this blog (if anyone reads it), Facebook, email and Skype I will attempt to stay in contact with the outside world. I'm not sure how regularly I'll be posting, depends on whether I have a job or not. I'm not sure what sort of things I'll talk about, although I'd like to have some sort of features so that this blog is more than just a page of rants. However, I am sure that anyone who is in the area, the region or the continent can and should visit or get in touch. If anyone wants somewhere to stay in Shanghai within the next 18 months then my place is open to y'all.

And on that note I will now sleep in the bed I have commandeered from my grandparents before I fly out.

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